Friday 14 August 2015


Most of the people fall in the love in their 20’s. What To Do In Your Twenties, there are the 10 reasons why you should don’t fall in relationships at your 20’s.

1. First thing first; At this age you are shuffling between the Job and Internships, and you are having very non existence schedule, if you are in the serious relation, then that thing will hurt you the most, because it is very difficult to manage the space in your relationship.

2. Heartbreak hurts you the most when you are struggling. At this age we are very Passionate about them, and breaking at that point will hurt you the most.

3. Commitments come into the serious responsibilities.

4. You have to be the most selfish, because everybody cares about their connections and their career. They have to be selfish to grab what they want in their lives

5. You didn’t explore yourself sexually, online videos, one night stand and sometimes drunk made out the session with strangers, this age is filled with this kind of stuff.

6. There are lots of distractions in your mind to liking the certain person, actually you are meeting with many different types of people, and you are confused to select the person of your type.

7. You are not earning that much money to spend it on your friends and family and also on your connections.

8. In this time you have broken many promises and relations as well. And then you don’t want to hurt anyone more.

9. It is the best time to travel, and if you are connected to somebody, you have to take the permission first and many more things you will go through.

10. The last and the most important thing that the relationships in your twenties screws up your happiness. You will be fighting, failed expectations.

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